Camp Lebanon (September 2008+)

High-School Graduation-Test Final Exam

CRULES (Control Rules)

No Choice: Dangers of "Original Sin" Theology

Original Sin Nature?

"Rape" Wife?

The Upcoming Millennial Rule Good

Superman Theme (music)

Why Believe The Bible?

Body Show

Who is God?

David Russell Shows You How to Play Recuerdos de la Alhambra by Francisco Tárrega

Leonora Spangenberger (11) plays Fuge BWV 998 by J. S. Bach on a 2004 Curt Claus Voigt

Chaconne in d minor by J.S.Bach (Arr. John Feeley)

Partita BWV 1004 - Johann Sebastian Bach played by Sanel Redzic

Sanel Redžić plays Sonata BWV 1001 Presto by J. S. Bach on a 1987 Otto Vowinkel

Giuseppe Carrer plays J. S. Bach sonata BWV 1001.PRESTO

Xingye Li plays Etude No. 1 by Heitor Villa Lobos on a 2014 Roy Fankhänel guitar

The following hymn titles with accompanying hymn numbers (not page numbers), suitable for easy key-of-G or key-of-D guitar-chord strumming, were selected from a master index of hymn titles, from a small hardcover book of hymns identified as "The Junior Hymnal" copywritten in 1928 and printed in 1942 by the Augustana Book Concern of Rock Island Illinois under the authority of the Lutheran Board of Christian Education and Literature, edited by Rev Ryden and Dr Wendell.

#36 = Praise the Lord, Each Tribe and Nation - in G Major
#38 = O What Praise Shall We Render - in D Major
#42 = Praise Him Praise Him - in G Major
#53 = Lord With Glowing Heart I Praise Thee - in G Major
#62 = Day is Dying in the West - in G Major

#119 = Take The Name of Jesus With You - in G Major
#128 = In the Cross of Christ I Glory - in G Major
#129 = Savior When in Dust to Thee - in G Major
#134 = Glory Be To Jesus - in G Major
#136 = Go to Dark Gethsemane - in G Major
#146 = Day of Wonder, Day of Gladness - in D Major
#149 = I Know That My Redeemer Lives - in D Major
#161 = Come Holy Spirit From Above - in D Major
#162 = Holy Ghost With Light Divine - in G Major
#163 = Gracious Spirit Love Divine - in G Major
#164 = Blessed Father Great Creator - in G Major
#165 = Come Thou Almighty King - in G Major
#167 = Sing Them Over Again To Me - in D Major
#169 = Father of Mercies in Thy Word - in D Major
#175 = According to Thy Gracious Word - in G Major
#177 = With Deep Humility O Lord - in D Major
#182 = How Shall The Young Secure Their Hearts - in G Major
#183 = Thine Forever God of Love - in G Major
#186 = O Jesus I Have Promised - in G Major
#187 = Thy Word is Like a Garden Lord - in G Major
#199 = Hail to the Brightness of Zions Glad Morning - in G Major

#204 = Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling - in D Major
#205 = Come to the Savior Make No Delay - in G Major
#206 = Jesus Calls Us O'er The Tumult - in G Major
#209 = Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior - in D Major
#215 = My Faith Looks Up to Thee - in D Major
#216 = Rock of Ages Cleft for Me - in G Major
#217 = Jesus Lover of My Soul - in D Major
#219 = My Hope is Built on Nothing Less - in D Major
#221 = I Lay My Sins on Jesus - in G Major
#223 = More About Jesus Would I Know - in D-G Major
#224 = My Jesus I Love Thee - in D Major
#226 = Jesus The Very Thought of Thee - in D Major
#229 = I Think When I Read the Story of Old - in D Major
#230 = Majestic Sweetness Fills the Air - in D-G Major
#231 = More Love To Thee O Christ - in G Major
#233 = I Am Thine O Lord - in D Major
#236 = O For a Closer Walk With Thee - in D Major
#237 = Savior Teach Me Day By Day - in G Major

#242 = Am I a Soldier of the Cross - in G Major
#246 = Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus - in G Major
#247 = Faith of Our Fathers Living Still - in D Major
#248 = Work for the Night is Coming - in G-D Major
#249 = O Master Let Me Walk With Thee - in D Major
#250 = I Gave My Life for Thee - in G Major
#252 = I Love to Tell The Story - in G Major
#253 = Take My Life and Let It Be - in G Major
#256 = Yield Not to Temptation - in G Major
#258 = I Need Thee Ev'ry Hour - in D Major
#259 = Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross - in D Major
#267 = Jesus Savior Pilot Me - in G Major
#268 = All The Way My Savior Leads Me - in D Major
#270 = Children of the Heavn'ly Father - in D Major
#273 = He Leadeth Me O Blessed Thought - in D Major
#274 = What a Friend We Have in Jesus - in D Major
#275 = Day by Day Thy Mercies Lord Attend me - in D Major
#277 = Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us - in D Major
#278 = Savior Divine Kind Friend - in D Major
#279 = When Peace Like a River - in G Major
#284 = Love Divine All Loves Excelling - in G Major
#290 = When Jesus Comes in Glory - in G Major
#291 = Nearer My God To Thee - in D Major
#293 = Safe in the Arms of Jesus - in D Major
#295 = There's a Land That is Fairer Than Day - in D-G Major
#314 = Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

Cateresy: Atonement by Ingesting Eucharist?

NO "Purgatory"

Free Will & Blood Sacrifice?

Three Heresies Refuted

Law to Save


Trust God?

Credibility of Common Sense Science

Guitar-Chord-Charted Hymn Lyrics

(Daniel Roy Bloomquist, S.T.D.)

Comparison of Various Bible-Verse Wording in Different Bible Translations

Love Hate

Roy Moore and the Election of December 2017

Law to Yet Obey, or Faith Only not Fruits-of-the-Spirit Good Works for Salvation?

Martin Luther and the Jews

The Big Three:

Mate Prep
Mate Exam
Mate Cert

Point your mouse arrow here and left-click your mouse to bring up an essay on Christian modesty in public

Public Dress Code for Christians


Amish Pix